Tips on keeping your refrigerator at an ideal temperature
Tips on keeping your refrigerator at an ideal temperature
Today’s economy is a wild one – with both food costs and energy costs being higher than ever. This has implications throughout our lives – but one specific, appliance-related way these macro-world events impact our micro-world lives – is figuring out how to balance energy efficiency and food safety.
What temperature should you keep your fridge at? What will give you the best balance between keeping food fresh and not spending more on electricity? Today, we’re going to answer both those questions. Let’s jump right in!
Why maintaining temperature is important
Maintaining the right temperature is important for a couple of reasons. The first is that it prevents certain types of harmful bacteria from growing and spoiling your food. This can lead to sickness and other foodborne illnesses. The second biggest reason is that the right temperature can impact how long your food lasts without getting spoiled. This helps to reduce waste and save you a little money as well.
Where you should keep it and outside implications
Ideal temperature for your fridge should be right above freezing – in the upper 30s. This will prevent bacteria from taking hold but also isn’t so cold that it unintentionally freezes food. However- do be sure to take into account some other, mitigating factors that can occasionally have an impact on your fridge’s temperature – particularly for older fridges. Things like room temperature, how much the door is open and shut, etc – can have an impact. So if you have questions as to whether you should make some adjustments, just be sure to consult your owner’s manual.
Some easy tips
There’s a couple of things you can do to keep your fridge at an ideal temperature. First off – buy a small appliance thermometer – especially if you own an older fridge. Older fridge’s sometimes aren’t the sharpest appliances in the kitchen – so having a good idea of where your temperature range lies is the first step.
Second, try not to overfill your refrigerator. Too much stuff can make airflow difficult and puts more natural wear and tear on your fridge over time. And lastly – try to keep the door closed as much as possible and always double check when you close the door to make sure it’s shut.
If you’re already doing all of this and you notice your food isn’t staying cool, you might have an internal issue with your appliance and it’s going to be time to call in a professional. Things like wildly fluctuating temperatures, frosting, the fridge running continuously; these can be signs something else is off and you’ll need some help.
If you find yourself in this boat, feel free to give us a call and we’ll come take a look. Until then – good luck!